Following the successful launch of our pilot with the London Borough of Barnet, we're excited to announce the expansion of our trial to include four additional local planning authorities (LPAs).
Oliver Blower and Tom Sedgman are leading the improvements to the Planning Inspectorate's Applications and Appeals Service. In this post, they are announcing an exciting milestone in our ongoing efforts to modernise the appeals process.
Olu Abraham-Sunday, Product Manager at the Planning Inspectorate, explains about the recent launch on GOV.UK and what’s next.
A new outreach initiative aims to share the Inspectorate’s expertise with local planning authority officers and planning agents who deal with enforcement action.
Rebecca Phillips writes about the future of casework events and reflects on what we’ve learned from the Covid-19 pandemic when our hearings and inquiries moved online. Rebecca leads the work to create a sustainable and robust ‘operating model’ for the future.
Stephen Read explains how we have developed the new Appeals service to look at the planning appeal journey and the work we are doing to link up with other projects in the wider planning sector. He also invites planning agents who make planning appeals on behalf of clients to help with our user research.
Dan Cawdron, Customer Insights Lead, presents the results of the recent Institute of Customer Service business benchmarking, and looks at what the results mean for the organisation, the action we are going to take and what’s next.
Today, 23 June, is Public Service Day. To mark this important day, inspectors Menaka Sahai, Heidi Cruickshank and Richard Schofield share their thoughts on why they became an inspector and how the public service that they deliver is important for the nation.
Stephen Read introduces the work to improve our 3 service areas and how it will make it easier for customers to do business with us.
Graham Stallwood reflects on the changes we made to keep casework moving during the Covid-19 pandemic, and looks to how we might operate in the future.