Raising aspirations through Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) volunteering

Rebecca Phillips, a Professional Lead at the Inspectorate, shares her insightful story of volunteering for the RTPI.
Rebecca Phillips has over 12 years’ experience as a Planning Inspector. She is the Professional Lead for Planning Appeals at The Planning Inspectorate responsible for the support and professional development of Inspector teams undertaking S78 appeals, including specialist case work. She has extensive experience of undertaking a variety of S78 and enforcement appeals as well as development plan and CIL examinations in England and Wales.
She is qualified in Town & Country Planning and Marketing and has a background in economic development, regeneration, development finance, strategic marketing management and policy development.
Previous roles include Planning Policy advisor at the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), business development consultant at Strategic Marketing Ltd as well as roles in economic development and regeneration at the Welsh Development Agency and Cardiff Bay Development Corporation.
She is the RTPI representative and Chair of both the RTPI-Plymouth University Board and RTPI-Joint Distance Learning Consortium Board to oversee the delivery of planning education in accordance with RTPI standards, maintaining RTPI accreditation status and accrediting new courses. She was previously external examiner at Cardiff University Planning School.
Rebecca Phillips, a Professional Lead at the Inspectorate, shares her insightful story of volunteering for the RTPI.
Rebecca Phillips writes about the future of casework events and reflects on what we’ve learned from the Covid-19 pandemic when our hearings and inquiries moved online. Rebecca leads the work to create a sustainable and robust ‘operating model’ for the future.
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